Man, if there ever was a game the Cats NEED to win, it has to be this one. Three years of POUNDINGS to the Jayhawks is enough. Time to beat KU like the DOD days.
KU has lost three games in a row coming into this one (@ CU, OU, @ TT) and their offense has been all over the place. Their defense is decent and it's been the turnovers by the offense that has put the defense in bad situations.
K-State got off to a horrific start against OU, then played pretty damn salty in the 2nd and 3rd quarters.
If K-State can establish Daniel Thomas in the first quarter, look out. Even in the "Wildcat" with the threat for him to throw, he is D A N G E R O U S.
KU: 21
KSU: 31
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