A suggestion for Ron Prince and the Wildcat football staff for the 2009 spring game. Go ahead and do what Mizzou and so many other college football teams do with their spring game... come up with a Spring Game Scoring System.
For every first down a team gets, that's 5 points; for every touchdown, that's 25 points; for every INT, that's 10 points. You get the picture.
A 3-0 score looks bad in everyone's eyes (media, fans, POTENTIAL RECRUITS, etc).
I realize Josh Freeman played a limited number of downs, plus 3 potential starters on the O-Line were missing, but seriously... the players can say that the game is no indication of how Spring practices went. I'll go out on a limb in this one... K-State will finish either the 5th slot in the North next year or the 6th (the "Baylor Slot").
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